Belief Network in Year 2018 of WVS Respondents from Mainland China
Belief Network in Year 2018 of WVS Respondents from Mainland China

Tian, Felicia F., Jinfeng Wu, and Yangyu Wang. 2023. Journal of Social Development (Chinese) 10(2):38-56+243.

田丰、 吴锦峰、 王杨聿. 2023. 《社会发展研究》10(2):38-56+243.

Abstract: To what extent have China’s economic and social transformations changed the values of ordinary people? Most scholars believe values tend to be diversified, but some worry about polarization or homogenization in response to market transformation. Using data from six waves of World Values Surveys (WVS) from 1990 to 2018, this paper constructs the whole network of Chinese values and measures the changing trends of the network of values in three dimensions: strength of belief connections, characteristics of community structure,and explanatory power of structural factors. The results show that Chinese values present the features of diversity and stability. Diversity is reflected in the decreasing strength of belief connections, the increasing number of communities and the decreasing share of head communities,and the constant or even decreasing explanatory power of structural factors,such as gender and class,on the network structure. However, the explanatory power of education level has increased. Stability is reflected in relatively constant Chinese values on work-family relationships,social trust, and social norms, with only a separation between political ideas and personal achievements. From 1990 to now,Chinese values have been virtually stable, showing some signs of diversity.


Full Paper see Here.