Poets Network in Tang Dynasty with the size of Word Usage Novelty
Poets Network in Tang Dynasty (Node Sizes Corresponding the Word Usage Novelty)

Abstract: The relationship between social ties and poetry innovation was mentioned by Confucius in his treatise on Poetry, yet few studies have quantitatively analyzed it at a macro level. Along the lines of the Sociology of art and research on innovation, the author first defines two different modes of innovation in word usage and word collocation, and then examines the correlation between social networks and poetry innovation through a digitalized biographical database as well as computational social science methodologies, including Word2vec and semantic networks. The results show that poets in non-central positions or with little tie with central nodes would have a higher level of word usage innovation, while poets acted as bridges or with little tie with central nodes will have a higher level of word collocation innovation. The author checks the robustness of the results based on the instrumental variable—the total number of nodes in the network. These findings not only verify the hypothesis that “ Socializing facilitated Poetry-writing” in the humanities and the description of collective invention in the Sociology of art, but also argues for the importance of distinguishing between different innovations.
